[Stevo127] Join the Armed Forces today!

Day 1,232, 12:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Belmount assasin

Why join the UK Armed Forces?

There are many reasons why you should do this, but we will look at the Ireland situation. I think that a war with eIreland is bound to kick off very soon, with the next Presidential term coming up, Woldy has promised us this war. Why not join the Armed Forces in time for this war, so that you can help us conquer what should have been ours a long time ago.

Read below on how joining the Armed Forces will help you do this.

What do you get while being in the Armed Forces?

- Daily supplies of 138 health. (23 x Q3 Food)
- Strike kits worth 60 health (10 x Q3 Food) every main strike.
- Meet some awesome people and get to know the community better.
- Help defend your country and TERRA countries daily.
- Some Awesome avatars for the forums and in-game, just like mine.

If this hasn't convinced you, then I bet that this picture will.
Do you really want to join silly forces such as these guys that can't tell the difference between a rifle and a bow and arrow?

Join the UK Armed Forces today!