[Stefan] Dropping out of the Race for Prime Minister

Day 1,290, 14:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

Good evening eUnited Kingdom,

I am writing tonight to regrettably announce my dropping out of the race for Prime Minister. The Unity Party has decided to backstab me after the revlation that I am a poor person who cannot afford the fastest Internet in the country. I am absolutely disgusted. For two and a half years, I have served the country under the Unity Party, and as a thanks, they kill me. I know the Internet is full of bad people, but for the very people you have trusted for so long to do a horrific act as this is by far the very worst of humanity. The leadership of TUP are a disgrace to this place. They have betrayed me, betrayed you and betrayed the country. This is an emergency situation, as it has been revealed that TUP is not the party that it once was. I do hope things will change, but for now, I have no choice. Shame on you TUP for your terrible decision to destroy the hopes of many people.
