[stats] Rizon's eRepublik bot usage

Day 1,204, 10:03 Published in Italy Italy by Martin Sileno

Some cool/useless stats on Rizon's eRepublik bot usage.

Reporting perio😛 2011-02-21 1😇6:28 - 2011-03-08 18:41:13

120553 commands processed
An average of 8036 commands/day
Or 334 commands/hour

The bot is in 4252 channels (some are empty or unregistered)

7995 different nicks are linked to an eRepublik profile (using .regnick command)

Timezone: CET

Command stats (type/amount of times):
.fc: 44382
.lp: 38471
.link: 12928
.donate: 10210
.medals: 3333
.value: 1810
.register_citizen: 1299
.help: 970
.region: 854
.market: 761
.mpp: 689
.currency: 664
request: 546
.cp: 341
help: 338
.country: 260
.bp: 257
.battles: 256
.lookup: 233
.borders: 217
news: 154
.regnick: 153
.info: 148
.regcit: 113
.register_company: 98
.fightcalc: 84
.mpps: 72
.bestprice: 66
remove: 55
.company: 54
hi: 33
.regcom: 24
hello: 16
nonews: 12
.convert: 1

2 FAQ:

Q: Why is the bot so slow sometimes?
A: It's not our bot's problem, eRepublik API is very slow.
Don't hammer the bot with repeated commands when it happens, or your nick/channel might be banned.

Q: How can I check food or weapons prices?
A: You can't. eRepublik API is still bugged and it's impossible to get prices for those two industries.

~ Martin (IRC nick: martin)
eRep bot developer / IRC op on Rizon
Latest update to eRepublik: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/rizon-erepublik-service-update-news-and-fightcalc--1622877/1/20
eRepublik's commands (quite outdated): http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/rizon-erepublik-service-v21-1476551/1/20
My eRep website with rankings product prices etc: http://erep.1way.it (yes this is subtle spam)
Article made with santirub's editor