...::South Korea::...

Day 504, 11:39 Published in China Ireland by Wesley Nickles

China I ask you to please give us a few more days until you attack.
We are currently being taken over by an army of goons from a forum called somethingawful.com (containing more than 60000 members)
These Goons have only come four days ago but they have increased in numbers rapidly and still are.
What my friend Lordslowpoke was trying to tell you in another article is that when you takeover one of are regions the goons will spread to your country they will call in more goons from the forums and takeover like they are here this is their plan to takeover Erepublik.
So please at least give us five more days to try and sort it out after that you may do as you wish.

Edit: Plus if they get Thick with you like you see in the comments just laugh at them.

Thank you
Wesley Nickles