[South Africa] Unity and Playing Nice *UPDATED*

Day 575, 04:30 Published in Brazil Romania by ZironiaInc

eSouth Africans now have a representative on the political scene in Brazil. This is in no small part due to our very virulent Hollysglad, who managed to secure a Party President seat in one of the inactive parties of Brazil and get as many eSouth Africans to either join up or, if that was not possible at the time, to at least express their support. I am, sadly part of the latter, so I feel that my support to this movement is necessary.

First of all, I would like to invite all e South Africans living in Brazil to join this party and it’s respective forum. A guest section will also be made available shortly for any Brazilian citizen who requires clarification as to our position with Brazilian politics. I would like to hope that all of us got over the initial shock and are done trolling each other to no real end. I would also like to invite the Brazilian side to put previous happenings behind them and to listen to us.

As the second order of business I would like to insist that every eSouth African tones down his or her protests to the current state of affairs. It serves no further purpose and will only put our precarious position under even more unnecessary pressure. The time to be hot-headed and angry has come and gone. We all had to vent and express our anger at the situation. We have done so, over and over. It’s time to get to get down to serious business.

I would like to take some time to address a few words to Brazilian citizens reading this:

Personally, I feel that the time of throwing more or less mature insults at each other has passed and I hope you feel the same way. The time has come to calm down and at the very least try to work together towards a satisfactory end.
As for the supposed attempt to PTO Brazil, that is a joke I hope.There is no intention of that happening as far as I know and I doubt it will be an option anytime soon. But yes, we will do our best to take our party to the top 5 list so that we can offer representation for eSouth African citizens.

Finally, I would like to ask our citizens to calm down, join the South African party in Brazil, join the forums, tell a friend to join, keep in contact with the leadership of the movement and be patient.
I would like to ask Brazilian citizens to put the past where it belongs and give negotiations a chance.

Another issue that has been brought up repeatedly is the way that the South Africans in Brazil party came to exist.Precisely there has been talk of a Take-Over of an active Brazilian party.I would like to point out that the elections for Party President were won correctly by Hollysglad, just like the congressional elections were won correctly by the Brazilians in South Africa in May.I think this issue is a moot point and I do not support the returning of the party to it's former owners by any other means than another election.If we admit that the party was stolen, we have to admit that South Africa was also stolen and this brings us back to square one,with both sides throwing insults at each other.

In other news, the forum of the party now has a section opened for any Brazilian citizen that wishes to discuss the existence of the party,it's motives and operations. http://z3.invisionfree.com/SA_In_Brazil/index.php?act=idx this is the link and I hope to see as many people as possible get involved in this discussion.

Play nice,stay together and try not to be jackasses,