[South Africa] Ramblings of a South African eTerrorist

Day 559, 09:03 Published in Brazil Romania by ZironiaInc

Really cracked me up that one,I must say.Let’s all take a moment to chuckle at this title we’ve been given.Everyone set? Good!Let’s get down to business:

As you may or may not know,presidential elections are closing in.Now,in a normal country,this would mean we’d have to start thinking about who to vote for,but this is not a normal country,now is it?We’re here in Brazil and all across the world with a precise purpose:To cause as much grief and frustration to our would-be masters and to generally do our best to ensure that they do their worst.Within game rules of course,which is why I would like to ask all of our friends to keep the swearing and the name-calling to a minimum.You must all understand that the Brazilians are really really re-heheheheeee-ally getting tired of us.And who could blame them?For being sick of us no one.For taking what wasn’t theirs to begin with?I can think of a few people who would like that mystery solved.

Anyway,back to the matter at hand,let’s go over a short list of what we have done to our “friends”:we have denied them a decent media,we have dropped productivity at as many companies as our numbers pemitted and we have given them one or two gray strokes of hair,whether they want to admit it or not.

We can do more,however,something more important.We can deny them one of their allies’ help and support.We can make sure that they don’t have a friendly neighbor to the south of their new regions.We can make sure that Matzanesia becomes a reality!So if you have moving tickets,get your arse to Indonesia(Western Cape or any original Indonesian region) and,come Friday the 5th of June,we will have a friend in Matzanesia.We will get a shot at least at partial liberation.

If you don’t have the funds to get your behind to Indonesia please contact this org about the necessary moving tickets and detailed orders.
Any donations are also welcome to this org,so keep that in mind.

You know the rest:Vote,Subscribe & Spread the Good Word

Question of the day: What does an eTerrorist say when he signs off?