[South Africa] Blind Pride

Day 569, 13:52 Published in Ireland Romania by ZironiaInc

I didn’t expect to have any more reason to write anything since my recent temp-ban and my resignation from any official position within the post-occupation eSouth African government. But the current state of affairs is, to say the least, embarrassing for us as an eNation.

First of all, of all the members of SAIL, a large bloc has decided to make their separatism official and break off from the current government. I would like to think that their motive is hidden. I honestly and wholeheartedly want to believe that they didn’t decide to go against a shaky but existent unity of the political class and for a separatist movement with basically the same goals as the current organization because they feel left out. It’s a tall tale and if they were ever, ever left out it was because they chose not to participate.

The second order of business is that of the “moles” that have made their way to some of the more important information on our forums. I will not be naming the said moles, as I have not been told their names. Fact is, despite claims to security checks by party presidents and forum admins, we still have leaks. Which should ring some kind of alarm in the heads of PPs, whether it’s FA, BLF, SAP or UL. Thoroughness is a necessity at this time and I urge people to give it some consideration.

On to the next quarrel people seem to have with each other when they should be looking for the common denominator and working together. Negotiate or fight it out to the bitter end? Most of the old-timers, people who have a very long and less than friendly relationship with PEACE will argue that the eIndonesians and the eBrazilians are not to be trusted and should be fought on any battlefield possible. And this was all fine and dandy. When we had a country. Again WHEN we had a country to which we could retreat and from which we could strike. It is not the case now, we have been defeated politically and we would have been defeated militarily. Even though,I admit, it might have taken about a week for the combined forces of Brazil and Indonesia to completely overrun all of our regions. I’m sorry if I seem a bit blunt about this, but seeing the enthusiasm directed towards a joust against the windmills when the same fervor could be used in a more practical manner really makes me wonder about some things.

So yes, I definitely support the decision to negotiate with Brazil and Indonesia, what most people don’t notice is that we won’t be able to negotiate as equal partners, because, quite frankly, it doesn’t make any sense. We lost, I’m sorry, but that is the case. We cannot claim what we have not yet earned. But the greatest controversy in regard to these negotiations are the MPPs that we might be required to sign with Indonesia and Brazil. I, for one, do not understand what the fuss is about. A signed MPP does not force anyone to fight wars for our partners (for you old timers) but offers free wellness and combat experience. One more thing, and this might come as a surprise for our younger players, but I doubt that the combined might of the eSouth African Armed Forces will be able to really tilt the balance of a major battle between the larger nations. Slavery? Humiliation? I’m sorry to disappoint some of you coffee-shop eRevolutionaries but my thoughts are directed towards a different group of players, which some of you seem to be thoroughly ignoring: the little guy, you know, the one that decides to play eRepublik and chooses an original South African region as his first home and ends up in Brazil or Indonesia. How will you justify your mighty, yet useless, revolution when he asks where does South Africa stand on the New World’s map? Do you think he cares about your personal animosity towards Indonesia? I doubt it.

With all due respect for our allies, who have extended a helping hand on more than one occasion, I must point out that they have their hands full at the moment and little time to fight for a cause that, after all, isn’t theirs. Chaos is slowly creeping on the New World and the time has come to be practical rather than passionate.

I’m sure my popularity charts (which were never too high) are going down like a plane in flames over the Atlantic Ocean, but I believe I have a responsibility to the ones that aren’t yet able to fend for themselves, I think they deserve a country.

And before you yell “Slavery!!!” in my face, remember that being a slave is a state of mind not a state of matter so take your rhetoric to other ears.

Soon-to-be lynched,