[SOS] Presidential Candidate

Day 1,838, 23:44 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

I’ve decided to run for president, all though the odds are highly against me this term. It is my hope to at-least spice up the community and get everybody thinking. 🙂

Oraizan’s Past
I was born eJapanese, in 2009 during Akki’s long rule in eJapan. (he was president 4 terms in a row) It was a peaceful time, there was little drama and we weren’t involved in wars. I used my medal gold to start a newspaper, and joined “The Orange Party.” run by Geno Garon. At the time it was small, and I hadn’t spoken to him prior to joining, but I saw his articles and it inspired me to become active in the community. Thus, I started writing my articles, which early on had little to do with eRepublik. Later I joined ISP while Tohru was PP, and after that the SOS Brigade before I left for eAustria.

I left for eAustria to be with some of my friends there, and to help with with ATO efforts. Austria was PTO’d twice, and both times I took charge of the shadow government and helped run the country behind the scenes. Once Austria became stable, I returned to eJapan and two-clicked, and then let my character die because of v2. I returned in August, and the only positions I have held since then is the one I have currently, which is MoFA of eJapan, and assistant military commander to CoT under Hizaya’s term, up until Koppanyi’s.

My eRepublik Wiki has all the facts and dates: Click heeeeeeeere

Oraizan’s Philosophy
I’m going to quote an old article for this part, not to be lazy, but although eRepublik has changed my viewpoints have not. Here is an overview of my general beliefs:
- Key to success is diversity not only in people, but ideas
- You’re only as good as your opposition
- Honesty is the most important virtue to pursue
- It’s important to have proper discussions before any laws are proposed
- People should be free to speak their opinions (granted, not rudely)
- Activity in-game and out-of-game are important as a citizen (meaning forum/IRC)
- Respectful debate
- Balanced Taxes for the citizens and companies
- The need is greater than the want
- Approach everything with an open mind
- eJapanese money should stay eJapanese money, meaning more than being against treasury thefts, but also purchasing and working from eJapanese friendly companies
- Communication with friendly countries, neutral countries, and enemy countries alike is important

My number one goal will be to leave the bank with more money than I started with in one term. As this has been a problem the past two terms. Self explanatory.

Foreign Affairs:
Naturally, I want peace with eRoC and to continue helping our allies. We have much to be thankful for this term, although many of us citizens worked hard to gain independence, (myself being one of them, i don’t think I have said please and thank you so much in my life) we have had a great deal of help from citizens outside eJapan, and countries outside CoT. I would like to start with educating our citizens on our alliance and allies, and continue to improve relations with these countries. I would also like to open our country up to others, as we’re not too close with anybody who has -not- made an effort to help us. This must be changed, I would like to see eJapan being the country to reach out our hand in friendship instead of the opposite. I would like to see us have a presence in top eden countries as well as the rest of the world.

I will write my proposed cabinet tomorrow evening, but I plan to make it as diverse as possible.
I plan to have the cabinet work as a group completely. I will have them all in one inbox message and bring back the cabinet IRC. (which will be optional) I’d like all cabinet members to be informed of what’s going on.

Weekly articles:
I’d like to bring back the Minister of Media, and have a cabinet member whose job is solely to write articles. Including a weekly article about the happenings in eJapan and the work the cabinet has been doing. As usual, the articles will also promote the forum and IRC.

Charters are an important part of the outside-community. Although many can not be enforced without the communities support, I’d like to bring them back for all ministries. At the very least they can be used by guidelines for future presidents and ministers who do not agree with them.

Bilingual Community:
I’d like to see eJapan become more bilingual. Everyday we have more and more people who can write/speak in eJapanese. I’d like to encourage articles being written in both english and japanese, even if loosely google translated. My reasoning behind this is that many countries look down on us due to us not being Japanese IRL. I believe the world will take us more seriously if we are more bilingual, and also it will be a better atmosphere for new Japanese speaking players.

Medal Drive:
I’d like to propose the idea of donating 0.5-1g every time a player receives a medal. This isn’t something official, and we can do it any day, but I don’t believe the eJapanese National Bank to be stable enough to receive donations. (It’s currently banned again, more explanation below)
We aren’t able to gain money as well as we’d like, so it will be up to the community to help the bank grow. However if elected I will push for people to do it regularly when I believe the bank to be stable.

Ministry of Defence:
This area has been doing well as of late, and with our lack of funding not much would change unfortunately. But I believe Squibeel has done a good job and would like to see some fine-tuning and continue his work, as well as bring back the charter’s DankChronic has been proposing in the forums to allow all MU’s to receive state funding in the future when it is affordable.

Japanese Election Comittee:
I have already proposed the continuation/recreation of this in the forums, but as president I will support this group. 100% You can learn more about it here.

That’s everything I could think of. If you have any suggestions, comments, criticism, let me know. I’m a politician who works for the people, open to new idea’s and welcome the help of perfecting my own.

Unrelated - Bank banning
Yes, our national bank is banned again. Look here

I reported to the admins about the past bannings with all the evidence I could find. I asked them to investigate the citizen behind it and look into taking action against them, as it’s hard on our country to constantly have our bank wiped. Whether they will do anything or not, cannot be said. But hopefully they will at least look into it.

Vote Oraizan on December 5th!
For eJapan o7
~ Oraizan

Random Quote;
“Harmony exists no less in difference than in likeness, if only the same key-note govern both parts.”