[SOS] Cabinet + some MoFA and random stuff

Day 1,839, 21:08 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

As promised, I’m releasing my cabinet plans today for if i win. I have also released a little reasoning, but you’re welcome to ask more questions about my choices. Not everybody has accepted the position yet, so I wrote next to each person who has. I’ll update with replacements if anybody declines. o7

There is a bit of information on other stuff below.

vPresident - DankChronic (Accepted)
He's a long time loyal eJapanese and one of the more unbiased. Our schedules are different. I believe it important for the vP to be around when you are not able to be.

Minister of Defence - Squibeel (Accepted)
He's doing good work so far, and I'd like to see him fine tune and continue this for at least one more term.

Minister of Finance - Darshu (Accepted)
Although not as renown as Akki, Darshu is one of the leading citizens in this area, and I'd like to see a fresh face running this ministry.

vMinister of Finance - Geezus
Although many people are suspicious of him, I'd like to give him another chance. He is good with finance, and I trust him and Darshu to work well together.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Hizaya (Accepted)
My strength is this ministry, so I chose Hizaya as he fills in what I may lack in foreign affairs. He is also closer to eRoC than I, and as knowledgeable as myself if not more about CoT. I'm confident he'll do good work next term.

vMinister of Foreign Affairs - Tachibana Kinjiro (Accepted)
He's possibly the most active person on the cabinet, trustable, and I'd like to see him gain some experience.

Director of Senpai/Kouhai Program - Hakaisha (Accepted)
Hakaisha is the most reliable person to get the everyday work done, and I'm confident he can also expand his work within the next couple months.

Minister of Education - Kitsune Usureki (Accepted)
He has done a lot of work with the wiki as of late, and I'd like to see him work closely with the Minister of Media to get some frequent guides going in the media.

Minister of Media - Ahava (Accepted)
Ahava's articles have been one of the best in eJapan (at least in my opinion) and most informative. I think that's self explanatory.

Minister of Internal Affairs - Zodiarque (Accepted)
I believe him to be one of the few 100% unbiased, and as one of the forum admins, this position can only go to him.

Minister of Security - Tarasino (Accepted)
He's been quiet, but you can tell on the forums that Tarasino's quality of work is high. This is one of the most important positions this month, and I'd like to see it run smoothly.

vMinister of Security - Shirobu (Accepted)
Shirobu has never done anything untrustworthy, and with this being an important ministry, two heads are better than one.

Any member without a vice is welcome to select their own if they find they need help. Just let me know. I have not yet chosen a MoCH.

The elections this time around look to be very boring, as I’m the only one campaigning and there has been little drama. While I like the lack of drama, the lack of activity over such an important election is concerning. I’m glad to bring some activity to it, and I hope even if I lose the winner will use some of my ideas for next term.

I’m not sure whether I will retain my position next term, so anybody wishing to become an ambassador let me know by the 5th, and also if you’ve done some work it’s time to report in!

Ambassador Seats of High Priority still open:
United Kingdom

Full list here.
Apply here.
Note; you must have access through citizen or embassy mask to view.

Japanese Election Commission
As a citizen I suggested bringing back a ATO force, and after some discussion the JEC has been somewhat-brought back. There is an edit of the charter on the forums, so take a look and be involved.

You can find it here.

At last I leave you with a quote; “Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.” - Aristotle

For eJapan o7
~ Oraizan