[Sing edition] 100 Gold MPP's:concerns from a small Island.

Day 824, 08:38 Published in Singapore Singapore by Boethiah

Hi my names Boethiah, I'm a resident of eSingapore, and stuff, I'm publishing this in the USA because it is the largest English speaking nation, and I hope to accrue a few more votes than I could in Singapore. I wanted to look back at this as it has been a few months since it was immplemented.

This article simply addresses a few of the reasons admin gave us as to why 100 Gold MPPs were a good idea, In Singapore we have ~1000 gold in our bank, MPP's cost 100 gold a month, and we do not take in 100 gold per month. (we pay 200 gold for Sol war-games which means 200 gold per month really). And lets face it eRep have made it where without wargames people unless they are highly dedicated will leave the eCountry, people can't level without them.

They also claimed it would mean wars were more exciting, well I'm pretty sure the invasion of the eUS was exciting, and that was before the idea was implemented.

These are the reasons admin gave as to why MPP's being 100 gold, more than most small nations monthly income were a good idea.

Lets review?

Large super alliances? check in fact this has got worse, because unless you are in a large alliance you simply cannot generate the gold to sign MPP's). Countries now have to look to eden or phoenix for help. An Example: instead of getting MPP's from a few of its alliance mates the Philippines /had/ to go to Poland because MPP's with everyone in Sol would cost nearly a thousand gold, and most of us can barely afford one MPP for wargames, let alone one for defence.

Smaller alliances? Nope(Sol was there before the change and is probably growing).

Less training wars? Nope(the Sol training ar is the largest to have existed in eRepublik.

Making it harder for little countries to join training wars? check.

Large countries having less MPPs? not really. I have seen larger countries signing 11 to 12 MPP's where as we now cannot even afford one 😑

Little countries getting screwed over? Check

I'd say if it was eRepubliks aim to make the game as difficult as possible for small countries then they've probably been very successful.

What could make it better? Well how about basing it on population size, or even just calling it quits and going back to the drawing board with it.

Because this isn't working......



Link to original article.