*Shore Leave* Digital Gonzo Podcast Review

Day 1,997, 20:01 Published in USA USA by Dauntless2000

Dauntless2000 here with a brief disclaimer, Due to lack of time I have to do the research on Search for Spock to deliver a great breakdown and review of the movie. I decided to use the time in a better way and bring to you something with the same well done SFL style. I decided to talk about one of my favorite podcasts. There isn’t a breakdown of the whole series, but I will tell you about why I think this show is great. With that out of the way, let’s look into a series that is both passion and madness, Digital Gonzo.

Sample Podcasts-
Review of The Dark Knight
Website Page: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/2012/07/26/dg91-the-dark-knight-movie-review/
Play the episode now: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/?powerpress_pinw=3608-podcast

Never Mind the Buzzgeeks 80’s Cartoons Game Show
Website Page: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/2011/10/09/never-mind-the-buzzgeeks-cartoons-of-the-80s/
Play the episode now: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/?powerpress_pinw=384-podcast

The Sound of Gonzo Vol 4:The Lord of the Rings Edition
Website Page: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/2013/01/10/digital-gonzo-114-the-sound-of-gonzo-vol-4/
Play the episode now: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/?powerpress_pinw=5315-podcast

Digital Gonzo is made by Alex Shaw, a young man who lives in the United Kingdom, Alex started the show naming it after Gonzo Journalism, a style of writing that is written without claims of objectivity. This is writing with personal experience and emotion. He uses the series to look deeper into things that we may not look that hard at. Things that you may only take a glance at he and a rotating panel of guests from the show’s forum and other podcasts, will go deeper and explore what may be small things that in ways affects the feel of what Movie, Television show, Video game, Music, or whatever that comes up on the radar of the hosts. He also likes to have fun as well and at times plays a game show called Never Mind the Buzzgeeks for a show to let down his collar and have a great time and some good laughs.

Gonzo is about fun and discussing about things they love. Gonzo believes that the audience is intelligent like the Star Trek series and doesn't talk down, it is more like a talk between friends and you are right there at the table. I will have to say this, but I do this one as a respect to the man who runs this. SFL’s style is in ways inspired by Digital Gonzo. There are times I butt heads with him on the forums, but I still respect him for having his own opinions and I know he is also happy having others voice their own opinion.

The amazing thing about Gonzo is that there's different things on the show each week. You may not like the subject they talk about, but they try to help you understand why other like the thing they are talking about and next week will have something else that is about a subject that you do like. For example, I’m not an Alien person, but was able to see why people like the franchise and then after words they move on to the Batman series which I do enjoy besides Forever and Batman & Robin. Those movies are not good at all.

In the end, Alex and his friends deserve a huge raising of a glass, to show people new things, and show subjects you know and love with a new light. Thank you Alex, I hope that you can keep doing what you love. I know this will be short, but I want his work to speak more to you than for me to speak for itself. A believer of the Gonzo ideals like Alex, would rather have you experience it for yourself than hear it from someone else. For that I will reference my favorites of Alex’s Work

1. Star Wars- This was the start of the Gonzo Formula and how Gonzo is today, a bashing of the prequels and the love of the originals and state why the originals where successful and the prequels failed like they did.

2. Back to the Future- I will say this, skip the first one if you only want to hear about the movies, the first one focus more on the crazy science. In any why a great talk about the hit trilogy of the 80's that is still great and in a way, unable to be duplicated

3. James Bond Series- I will admit I love Bond and is a plan for me to do them sometime, but Alex and his team do a great job looking through the many years of Bond, the series was done in October of 2011 so there will be nothing on Skyfall, my favorite of the Daniel Craig films.

4. The Marvel Movies- From Iron Man one to The Avengers, Alex and his super-hero crew break them down and talks about why these films are better then a number of other comic-book films.

5. Harry Potter- The team looks into the eight movies and the history of the world. They do reference the books but the main thing of the set is the movies.

6. Batman- Alex delivers a discussion on all of the films that were released on the silver screen, plus Batman Beyon😛 Return of the Joker, Under the Red Hood, and Year One. He also has his own Batman Story called, Batman: Breakdown

7.The Lord of the Rings- Alex’s favorite films go under the Gonzo microscope. The Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings are a long epic with each film getting two shows and only the Hobbit film received only one and also has a preview that talks about the other versions of Tolkien's great work.

8. Never Mind the Buzzgeeks- a theme game show where you will not know what will happen, I am flipping serious. If you are not laughing, check your pulse.

Also, I will offer this, if you have a great podcast for me to look at let me know in the comments.
The next podcast I review will be either a burst of game information, discussions, and quizzes; or I might also decide to go up to the bar and talk to the most popular girls.
Next Time on Shore Leave, I’m serious Spock, I do remember.

Until Then, Love, Hate, but most of all Think

Digital Gonzo’s Website: http://www.gonzoplanet.com/

Shore Leave Subject Header is Provided by Dogplye, All of Digital Gonzo’s work is owned by Digital Gonzo and its creator Alex Shaw. All other works are owned by their perspective creators. All items were used under Fair Use
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