[Serban_b]New taxes

Day 1,105, 03:27 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Serban_b
Because I didn’t had much success with my previous article I will write another to explain more accurate my ideas.

For eSwiss is very important to:

A.Protect our companies
B.Rise our GDP
C.More social programs for eSwiss citizens.

For beginning I will explain how taxes are working.
1. Income tax is a tax set forth by the Country administration that is deducted when a General manager collects money from a company's account. It is also deducted from wages received by employees. Why this tax isn’t efficient? Because every company manager can collect money from company throw monetary market, without paying this tax. Also we don’t need to lie our workers with high wages but he recive less. For example if he have 5CHF wage he will recive only 4.5 if income tax is 10%. He will pay from his own pocket taxes from the guvernment. So this tax disadvantage any eSwiss citizien. This tax must be 1% as in every respectable country.

2. Import tax is a tax set forth by the Country administration that increases the selling price of items at the marketplace when the company selling the item is outside of the country. Tax revenue is added to the country's account. So if we want to protect our companies because they pay taxes for country’s account. If an outside company selling products here, we don’t win anything. So I propose for industris where we have any companies we must protect them putting a high import tax. We don’t have expensive bread this is a lie. Our bead is very very cheap comparing with other countrys.

3. Value Added Tax, or VAT, is a tax set forth by the Country administration that increases the selling price of items at the marketplace. Tax revenue is added to the country's account. This is most important tax, from this we can win a lot of money. And the main industry of wining money for country’s account is food. If we sell 500 food with 10% VAT we have recive about 1g/day only with this tax. Same with other industrys.

We don’t have any region with high resurses so we have to encurage import for raw material. For this i propose 1% for all taxes for raw materials.

(Clifford Burns propose)
[Air herz]
So I propose this:
Old Taxes...................................................................................New Taxes:
........................Income Tax.......Import Tax......VAT.....|||||.....Income Tax.....Import Tax............VAT
Moving ticket.........1%................10%...............2%.......|||||...........1%...........20%(1😵.................2%
Rifle........................1%................5%..................2%......|||||...........1%........20%(1😵 .................10%
Air Units.................1%.................10%...............2%......|||||...........1%..............20% .....................10%
Grain ......................1%.................1%...........................|||||...........1%..............1%

Please don’t comment with: "this ideas are bad", comment with this ideas are bad but this ”...” si what we need. Because we need a change, things aren’t going well.
In the end I want to change at least food tax