Day 1,173, 19:55 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by ow santeaja

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English Version

Congress and the Brazilian people,

It was released today the proposed MPP between Brazil and Croatia, I would ask lawmakers to vote yes. After seeing Spain sign an MPP with Serbia, our action was a sign with Croatia. But as a diplomat would not want our old allies and new enemies, so I waited a few hours until the decision was made. And it came faster than I thought, I thought, frankly, the fact that we are great allies in the past with that Serbia did not fight in favor of Spain in the war, even with the MPP. With each passing hour, I could have a conversation with one of the leaders of Serbs and that's not what he told me. Questions like "can we fight against Brazil at any time even tomorrow, the past no longer matters in the game, Brazil cost 2k gold to the coffers of Serbs in this war Hungary x Romania" were enough to change his mind and signed with Croatia as soon as possible.

In my vision of foreign minister, I do not see Serbia as respectful as could be expected between two great nations of friends who took different paths. In turn, Croatia, Serbia greatest enemy comes in many different ways of offering help and was very interested to sign the covenant.

The Serb also was keen to point out, "no matter what happens here, we will not forget Brazil's real life, we love its people," everything was done in the game already seems to have been forgotten by our former allies, taking opposite ways and allowing for a possible showdown next. But do not worry we were not the only ones, they recently sold to Germany to gain confidence from Poland, MPP signed with Peru, the enemy of our beloved and apparently Argentina is now wanting us to win a new Germany and Spanish support.

Nah pas dicoba pake google translate ke indo jadinya aga kacau XD

Yah jadi intinya karena INI maka muncul ato dibales INI..... 😁;

Pas semua uda pada dapet teman maen kita enaknya ngapain ya :?

NB: Berhubung ane nda punya ide nulis ya mungkin sukanya nerjemahin aja gpp ya 😎