Day 507, 07:45 Published in China Indonesia by AsokaTheGreat

As an individual who uphold honesty and justice beyond everything else, it is very heart-breaking to see someone so conniving, traitorous, and backstabbing ever sat on the presidency and had the leadership of our nation. I hereby declared no confidence of href='http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/893382'>Logomaster304!

From trusted sources and proven, I shall lay my case as to why I bravely dared to name-calling such a person whom many of us knew and respected.

It all started when foodrax wished to liberate eChina in order to give the Chinese people its deserved sovereignity. Then, he appointed Logomaster as the vice-president, due to his close relationship and activity with the other chinese citizens. As means to support our fledgling nations, foodrax and logomaster304 cooperate to build food, gift, ticket company and Hospital.

But then, logomaster304 start to accuse foodrax of stealing money for the Hospital Deal. The Hospital deal by foodrax was made by buying Hospital in Henan. Due to the shortage of government money, some parts of the Hospital money is donated by foodrax.

It was foodrax's money used to build the Hospital company and the sales price has also been covered by the eChina bank. So how can it be that he accused foodrax of theft?

That's a very shameful act. Meanwhile, against our wish to become a proud and neutral country, logomaster304 start to show inclination towards ATLANTIS nations.
We can see here some shady conversation here:

hi logo
hey Durruti!!
let me try this again...
hey 4[ 1Durruti 4]
much better 🙂
hey Durruti
can you buy a Q5 Hospital for eChina/
thats a lot of money!

can I get a Q4 instead?
or does it have to be a Q5?>
Q5 is better
but its harder
and costs lots of money
i can get a Q5 for free
in a week
. but I should be able to get the Q4 by today
if Leroy has talked to Kyle
if that works out
then eChina will have a Q4 by today
if not
then we will have to wait 2 weeks
for a new one to be built
but its still gonna be a very cheap price

Our sources also mentioned that logomaster wished to sell our nations to ATLANTIS country mainly USA! He wished to sell the regions to eChina which had high iron in return for a DS Q4 made in USA! Not only that, the insiders also reported some Hospital also involved in the deal.

He also made deals with Romanian president to give nearby regions or the regions neighboring indonesia. In front and out, he always seemed to regard himself and show himself as man from PEACE, but behind the scene he deals with ATLANTIS!

He even wanted to give Shandong region to Romania, and also aided by Germany in the supply of Weapon and WB golds.

logomaster304 now held a separate account of national echina bank!
For which, I demand an audit of the contents and the surrendering of all its assets to chinese government! Also I demand you desist and depart from eChina!

Your crime and treachery had no place here anymore!