[Seanan] Irish Gaming: A step forward!

Day 1,725, 06:08 Published in Ireland Croatia by Thanatos the Magnificent
Hello everyone,

It's Seanan. Still over in the US, sending home my earnings, like a true working class hero. Anyway, today I'd like to gauge the community's opinion towards adopting a new forum .

I know what you may be thinking: That forums suck, nothing good happens on them and will have the same fate as others. However, hear me out before you dismiss this as another ill-thought out internet space waster!

I've proposed in the past we have a forum which houses multiple Irish gaming communities, for multiple reasons; 1) Recruitment by association, 2) meet new people, 3) discover other time stinks to enjoy!

Today, can announce we are one step closer to achieving an attractive forum!

The interface of the forum I am proposing! It looks good, and can be adapted to house eRepublik! Click the picture to see for yourself

This forum was created by LukeZzo, a player from another game many of us play. I've been talking to him, and he has said that we would welcome us to use the forum. However, he has said it may require him to upgrade the forums and take a bit of effort re-designing to fit us in, so he wants to know that we are serious about joining!

Important part: Please join the new forum, and comment on this thread to show support!

As I've said, this is one step closer to a forum housing multiple games and platforms. Its not got everything, but we have to start somewhere.

You may not still be convinced, and I am not advocating we shove forums down peoples throats, we have to want it! So as a community we have to discuss the pros and cons about it, to give a few;

+ no isolation of political/social groups.

+ Every forum in eIreland's history has been run by someone who someone else in the community doesn't trust not to look into private discussions, this forum is run by someone who doesn't know any of you / has no interest in erepublik stuff! (Pretty sure thats a pro :3).

- Its a forum, its not needed for game play.

-\+ Transferring erepublik threads to the new forum, if we really wanted to do that.

Well I'm sure we can think of a few more in the comments, but call it a labour of love. We get on the forum, we try to encourage each-other to use the forum, and it'll get more traffic. If its more busy, we can add features such as a section for Steam communities or whatnot. Eventually, it could become a good gaming hub for Irish gamers.

Would you invite people to eRepublik?
Likely not.

Would you suggest to a friend to check out an Irish gaming forum?
More likely.

And one last point, yesterday I did actually look at all the forum eIreland currently has... we have Kolshire's forum, Marcus's forum, and ChewChewShoes' forum (the current "official" one according to the wiki). And in all honestly, I don't think any of them look sleek or stylish. All credit for effort to maintain them, but when wasting our time browsing through a forum, it needs to be aesthetically pleasing.

@Younger-players, would you spend hours on facebook if it had a dark red theme?
@Older-players, back to the home with you!

Kolshire's looks alrite, although I always get the sense I should be sharing my favourite poetry or a good recipe for casserole. Marcus' looks a bit better but the reason we moved was the server crashing and the clashes between users vs admins. And chewchewshoes' forum looks like a men's health forum.. and you can tell its free, looks cheap.. like most free forums.

The forum I am proposing will survive everything, because we are not the only ones using it. I also think it looks more welcoming than any other forum we have had before..

But enough of my opinion, lets discuss.