[SDP] Blandman for Congress

Day 915, 12:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Blandman

A Different Kind of Muse

It has been an age since I last wrote an article about anything at all. But I have once again put finger-to-keyboard in order to let it be known that I shall be running for Congress this election within the Wales region, representing the SDP. Shock-horror, I know. Keep the surprised/disgusted gasps for later. Right now it’s time to give some reasons as to why you should vote for me.

Oodles of Experience

Well, you can’t just have any Tom, Dick or Harry walking into Congress and making a right mess of things. You need someone with at least a semblance of experience to go in there and say what’s-what. And I can guarantee that I’ve got a good, well-rounded knowledge of how things get done, both on the forums, and off.

For starters, I am currently going through my third term within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, recently being upped from a lowly apprentice, to a slightly-less-lowly under-Minister. Not only does this give me a good grasp on matters abroad, but also a keen insight into how things are actually done. Something which I dare say many congress-candidates are sorely lacking. Add to this the fact that I am currently balancing between two other ministries as well (Home Affairs and Rations), and you have an altogether dedicated, hard-working and thorough candidate.

Along with ministerial experience, I also have excellent military knowledge, being within the command structure of our own Army. Why does this matter? Well, it means that I know what I’m talking about when it comes to game mechanics, and that I can get along with a wide range of people, both of which are incredibly important for any would-be Congress member.

How could you not want a man with such good taste in Congress?

Realistic Goals

This is usually the part where a candidate will proclaim what they will do, and how they will change everything, for everyone, because that’s just how great they are. But I’m sorry to say that this is a load of bollocks. Realistically, just one Congress member can do very little. While they can moan about getting that shiny new hospital, they can’t actually do a whole lot to get it.

Now, I’m not saying that Congress is useless. Far from it. What I’m saying is that it serves a different purpose. A person in Congress should serve as the connection between the people, whether they be two-clickers or otherwise, and the legislative powers-that-be. They should raise the concerns and queries of the people, and help newer players to get more involved and therefore get more out of the game. Of course, they must also stand for what they themselves believe in, as long as it does not become detrimental to the overall running of things.

That is what I would do. If you see a candidate saying that they will get an active war going, know that it is unrealistic. If you see someone saying that they can get a hospital in every region, know that they cannot. If you note a person claiming that they can change just about everything, be aware that it is impossible.

Look for the people who, like me, want to take a realistic and level-headed approach to get things done. I will help those who need help, and bring any concerns that are sent my way further up the chain and get a discussion going about it. What I will not do is throw around wild promises, just for another cheap vote.

It’s as simple as that.

But Blandman, What are your Beliefs?

Well, they’re pretty simple really, so for simplicities sake, I will lay them out in some short bullet points;

Foreign – Probably my strongest point. Staying in Phoenix is a given. Growing even closer to neighbouring allies is paramount. Hem the Swedes in, temporarily preventing any threat from them.

Military – More independence. No politician, regardless of position, should have any say whatsoever about how the military is run. Leave that to the people who know what they’re doing.

Economy – It works fine just as it is. Raising the minimum wage is ludicrous. Lowering taxes is dangerous. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

Domestic – Things are just about fine as they are. However, I believe that a charity scheme funded both by the state and privately, which concentrates on strengthening lower level, consistently active, players who are within the military should be looked into with more unbiased consideration.

Note that these are not policies, but beliefs. Two entirely different things.

Vote or Die


That’s just about all I’ve got for the moment, though I like to think that it’s a pretty decent manifesto, if I do say so myself. Hopefully you’ll think that too, and maybe consider dropping by Wales and placing your vote with me. If you have any questions or queries regarding my manifesto (or whatever else), feel free to ask me either in the comments below, or via a PM.

Still thanking Wolfhorde for the snazzy banner!

Till next time.

Your Resident bland man,
