[SDLSRS] BEWARE of a fake government!

Day 969, 07:25 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

Let me give you the lowdown on your current Canadian Prime Minister, Dade Pendwyn. A guy who was re-elected because of an in-game snafu that saw JBdivinus ousted as the CPF party president and replaced with a disgruntled member. Had JB been able to respect the wishes of his party and nominate the candidate his party chose, we would not be in a state of disarray today.

What has Dade Pendwyn actually done? His self proclaimed list of accomplishments are as follows. 1ronman and the economy. Let me break these down for you and tell you the real story behind each of these as an 'insider' in Dade's last term.

First up, 1ronman. Everyone knows that Neoice did all the work behind the scenes to get the proof needed to catch him redhanded. How it all started was Chucky and I had been talking about how passwords were exchanged and chucky mentioned that he had sent the passwords via forum PM, which most people tought were secure and safe. The thing is, a few days before the theft, I had remembered that 1ronman altered an in-game PM sent to all cabinet ministers accidentally removing a password used for one of the orgs. I had mentioned this to Chucky and he rolled with it. All Dade did was sit back and let other people do the work while he took the credit. For the record, Dade's clusterf**k of a government still hasn't even charged 1ronman.

The second is the ecnoomy. Well, that was about 0% dade and 100% Cypher Rahl and myself. And believe me, I am not bragging about this but we literally had 0 direction when it came to the Ministry of Finance position. We were able to roam free and do as we pleased which is what we did. Dade never told us to spend money to keep the economy stable, Dade never told us to work out a deal with the eUSA, dade never told us to stockpile money. He never told us to do anything because he had no idea what to do and still doesn't. In fact, I had to remind him 2 or 3 times to change the finance org passwords after the election.

It now appears that Dade has taken it upon himself to be his own Finance Minister, which has been a colossal disaster thus far, but apparently it's all part of Dade's elaborate plan to have gotten the CAD up from .023 to .033 in a week. His plan? Close his eyes, do nothing, pretend it's his plan and click his heels three times. If it weren't for people telling him that the economy was hurting significantly, the Monetary Market would still have been bare, but thankfully, this sorry excuse for a Prime Minister did listen and posted some CAD on the monetary market.

Thankfully there's only 20 more days of this, but that's still 20 days of watching Dade fumble around and completely destroy the country. Keep governing with your eyes wide shut, buddy. Maybe you can go down as the worst Prime Minister in eCanadian history.

Brackets are awesome and all the cool kids are doing it.

Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith