[SC] Stadler_city and Companieros

Day 1,157, 08:29 Published in Spain Hungary by IV. HUpakolas

Day 1157, Venezuelan Jungle...

Stadler City and his Joint Strike Force landing in Guyana's battlefield...

- Woa, so hot in here. said Vareyz
- Just a regular day in hell. answered Fragreg
- Shut up and MOVE!!! ordered Stadler_city
- Why so angry? asked dragonyos.
-This is his payday.He has many debt to samba dancers.ALOT. answered Griffmadar a former South hungarian.
- I understand now.

- Squad form up.Begin flanking!!
- Okey-dokey.
- Surething.
- Roger.

.....Alpha....Alp....Alpha Squad come in....
- This is stadler.
- We are in position ready to ambush, Sir. said Szenti.
- Gut.
- Okey Boys dont forget one thing.
- What? asked kiralyfi
- Jazar is mine, i have an unfinished business with him.Lets roll!!!!

- Here they come.FIREE!!!!

p.s. I saw croats fight against Spain in rws..:3