***Sadeh Badeh, NOT running for presidency this term***

Day 823, 10:45 Published in Israel Israel by Sadeh Badeh

Hey people, I have decided to let you all know I am not running this term for presidency.

Yes, I know, you thought by knowing the old Sadeh that I will keep running till you can figure way to win me or something like that 😃
But honestly, I think others deserve the chance to prove they are capable of doing the job too.
Personally, I would like to see SVV running for president.
The reason: he is active, he knows the game, he is politician(this what is not exactly a compliment,but true), and he loves eIsrael.
No matter who wins, I won't have any problem to be part of his government.

Thats it for the article, hope I said all what's on my mind!
And no, it doesnt mean I quit the game,politics, or won't run in future!