[SA]Define Legit? The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Day 838, 20:46 Published in Brazil United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Since I'm not elected, nor representative anymore, here's my take on the background of what most of you are going to refer to as "channers" in Erepublik, and what you will say or think about their actions. While I may or may not agree with what they are doing in South Africa, since most of you are questioning the legality of it, I ask of you to question your own knowledge of the situation first.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away....

Okay, I'm done with the Spaceball/Star Wars references, but what most of you refer to as "chan invasions" didn't start with 888chan, or 7chan. They started long ago, back in the beginning of Erepublik, with the introduction of groups from both /v/ and /b/ into Iran, Pakistan, and a few other various countries. For those unfamiliar with a chan invasion, here's how one normally works:

1. A leader, or someone well known in a country starts by recruiting in a chan. They bring an initial wave of people into Erepublik by posting detailed information in the chan they belong to on where to register, where to work etc.

2. Of these, a group of management is usually selected to be the outward voice of the chan in Erepublik, and a group is usually selected to be the trolling population. Usually the latter outweighs the former.

3. The group of management sets itself just big enough to gain majorities in Congress and then eventually Presidency (if the takeover is successful).

4. ???

5. Profit.

Sound familar?

Oh, wait. That doesn't take a chan. It also sounds an awful like MMO or Forum recruitment, doesn't it? I remember when most of Sweden was recruited from Flashback, which used the same MO, I remember when almost every baby boom pre-Hungary was based on this method. Step 1, look for a large, Nationality based forum, Step 2, recruit based on being taken over, etc until you are now a power in Erepublik.

It's been working like this since the beginning of time in Erepublik, each just a bit more shocking than the other. The most recent, obviously, is the takeover of South Africa by channers. Was this the first time they have taken over a country? No. Was this the first time they had acted maliciously towards a nation because of the host nation not wanting to give up it's nice little comfort zone? No.

In short, this was not all about the channers. The issue here, largely, is our inability to actually trust or accept those from other mediums who happen to already be organised. In the UK, it would be like the Tories joining Labour, and expecting Labour to treat them with open arms.

Can you prove that this is not within Erepublik Law? Can you prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt that the channers were not just more organised and capable than the host nation was capable to fend off?

In short, no. The channers were run out of Venezuela, via Brazil, and moved into South Africa, with their dreams of having a Nation of their own to operate. Have we seen this type of situation before?

Well, to be frank, yes, you have. Especially in South Africa.

Not too long ago, the Croatian Majority, without a country of their own, took over your small nation for something along the lines of 5 months, until the administration created Croatia. This was led by long time EDEN/ATLANTIS friendlies such as Sucko, whom I've worked with before, as well as against.

Would you call Sucko a channer, because he didn't have a country of his own?

Would you call the Croats, whom apparently are your allies, channers, when you call channers "liers, cheats, and thieves" on a daily basis?

I think not. It's about perspective, really. Many of the old /v/ population turned out to be very good at Erepublik, even if they do troll quite often. I have no doubt that the channers in South Africa would have eventually gotten bored anyway, but many of them might have stuck around.

So this basically begs the question: Do we fear people in our own countries just because they're different than we are? Do we protect "our" countries under some false sense of bravado or even lie to our population because we're afraid of losing our own majority within that country, and the say to how it's run along with it?

I think perhaps, for some, it's time to readdress what they think of as "Legit". While many will not condone a PTO, it's not against the rules, and your view of the mountain top may just be different than theirs. That doesn't make it wrong, however.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy