[Russia] A very bold move.

Day 933, 12:15 Published in Russia Sweden by Maximilian
Did anyone say drama?
Sometimes the world of Erepublik can be very interesting. We see spies, thefts, internal struggle in countries and alliances crumbling because of the big price that comes along with a big organization. A lot of these situations are very common, not really a lot to think about… We all know that A stole B gold from C country’s treasury, and we also know that X did PTO Y in a very shameful way.
Yet, this world keeps amazing us all sometimes, especially when something very extreme happens, something that is very unlikely even in the world of a vagabond.
Yes, I’m talking about the Russian president, HankScorpio, activating a lot of MPPs by attacking several countries around the world.

Wait! What? What countries?!
He successfully attacked Finland (Link), USA (Link) and China (Link) and activated a lot of MPPs at the same time. He would attack Poland too, but apparently he ran out of gold…
So what is all this about really?
The rumors states that it’s a very bold attempt at activating Russia and try to create another baby boom in the country. If that is the cause then I really have to say that this guy have what it takes to turn a world upside down. I might be pro-EDEN, but one thing is for sure and that is that a president with all this guts should receive some recognition, since in my belief this can end in two different ways:

1. The Russian president, HankScorpio will be a complete hero, creating another baby boom in Russia, becoming a hero because of all the actions he took to create this situation and at the same time activating Russia.

2. His attacks will not yield a new baby boom, resulting in Russia being the underdog in future conflict against EDEN. Instead he creates another situation where Russia has to fear every neighbor nation, since activating a lot of MPPs might result in a long and hard struggle if EDEN decides to on the offensive.

Defense is possible, but bearable?
Russia has around 21 MPPs, since they are hosting the Phoenix training war at the moment so it might be possible for them to put up a solid defense against a future conflict, but on the other hand EDEN countries could aim for several fronts, something that might be unbearable for the Phoenix forces in the end.

I’m going to summarize this article with a short, but a very truthful comment:

“A bold move HankScorpio… A very bold move.”