[RO/EN] La toti si viitori Sanatate !

Day 577, 00:10 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by OchiReci


Dupa cum observati din rapoartele de lupta zilnice, ne aflam in timpul procesului de unificare cu Romania si curand ultimul bastion rebel din Moldova va cadea deasemenea cu demnitate.

La aproximativ 4 luni de zile de cand misiunea noastra a inceput, ne apropiem incet, dar sigur, de final si de realizarea visului care ne-a adus aici in prima instanta.

Am reusit alaturi de o putini oameni sa creem dintr-o mana de praf o tara si am incercat cum am putut sa o mentinem pe linia de plutire si intr-un climat de siguranta si minim conform social. Multe lucruri care mi le-am dorit nu le-am reusit in timp ce altele au fost incununate cu succes si au reprezentat mereu stindardele viitorului care ne-a facut sa continuam.

Nu pot decat sa multumesc la final tuturor celor care au fost in decursul timpului pe aceste meleaguri si ne-au ajutat in indeplinirea obiectivelor propuse. Incep sirul elogilor cu oarecare, Marius Caragiu, macabis2, NOSHADEZS, bumi_bumi, Bogdan_L, Laurian76, raresmanelistu la care ii adaug pe Harvey Korso, Greystrand urmand mai apoi HardFly, Tisha, RIPU, SerenuS, Arack, Rock3rRullz, empyrion_martyr, Pleny, Guitz, Marius Eisenstein, Cristi983 si desigur a special thanks to Cutlets and Pan Halippa.

Sunt doar cateva nume care merita aprecierea noastra si in fata carora ne ridicam palaria in semn de admiratie pentru tot ce au creat pentru mica noastra tara si desigur nu reprezinta decat numele vizibile iar gratitudinea noastra si multumirile noastre se indreapta deasemenea catre toti cei care au trecut pe aici si au ajutat populatia de rand si tara.

Va multumesc tuturor si sunt mandru sa pot sa i-au parte la reunirea Romaniei cu Moldova.

Presedinte Rep Moldova

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Like you see from daily fights, we are close to finish the unification with Romania and soon the last moldavian standing bastion will fall also with dignity

After almoust 4 month from the moment we start, we make small steps but sures to remake and to fulfill the dream that bring us here in the first time.

We succes amoung some verry special people to make from a hand of dust a country and we try how we can to mentain it and asshure is freedom and independece in front of our opressor and a mininum social climat for our people. Are many thing I wish and don`t come true and on the other way are many things that was made and was succesfuly fulfil, things that represent always our path to the future, the fire who keep us fighting and make us go forward

The only thing I can do now is to thank all people that help during this time in fullfiling all our objectives. I start the thanks with oarecare, Marius Caragiu, macabis2, NOSHADEZS, bumi_bumi, Bogdan_L, Laurian76, raresmanelistu and sone foregin friends Harvey Korso, Greystrand fallowing by HardFly, Tisha, RIPU, SerenuS, Arack, Rock3rRullz, empyrion_martyr, Pleny, Guitz, Marius Eisenstein, Cristi983 and off-course a special thanks to Cutlets and Pan Halippa.

Are just some name in front of we rise our hat and we say thank you for all you did for our small country and off-course are just the visible ones and our gratitude and thanks belong and is for all who come here and help the citizen and the country.

President of Rep Moldova