[RO] About Friendship

Day 1,776, 08:50 Published in China Republic of Moldova by MermaidPrincess

Necu srpski ovaj put. Ali bice Rumunski i Engleski.

Azi vom vorbi de prietenia eromano-ebulgara. Batalia care mi-a trezit adrenalina era in Marmara. Frumoasa lupta si faine vremuri.

Dintotdeauna castraveciorii bulgaresti au exercitat un anumit stadiu de interes cu mult mai mare decat cel dat de palinca ungara, insa acum constat ca eromanii nu inteleg cat de mult ne iubesc vulgarii, ahhh bulgarii am vrut sa scriu.

Atat de mult incat ei se lupta in locul nostru pentru noi, iar noi nu ne luptam in locul lor (ingrati, neicusorule).

Drept e ca nu trebuie mutata capitala in Asia. Cine a mai auzit de o eRomanie in Asia fara teritoriile originaRe (originali suntem noi in a ne da cu stangul in dreptul)?

Asa ca protestez vehement impotriva ordinelor de lupta de partea bulgara si am o explicatie: sunt la regim asa ca nu imi plac castraveciorii murati in stil bulgaresc.

We shall talk about the eRomanian-eBulgarian Friendship. The adrenaline rush started with Marmara, remember those times? Nice battle(s).

The eBulgarian cucumbers have always gave some interest higher than that given by the eHungarian palinka, but nowadays i see that eRomanian cannot into understanding how much the Vulgarians love us, ahhhh the Bulgarians I mean.

They love us so much that they fight for us instead of us, but we do not fight instead of them (we are sore fighters, I confess).

It is a fact that the capital must not move to Asia. Who has ever
heard of eRomania in Asia without the original regions (though we always find ways to drown originally)?

Consequently, I strongly protest against the fighting orders on (😎Vulgarian side and I can also explain my choice: I am on DIET and I do not like pickles.

On behalf of Baloo,