[Rizon] Dear Plato

Day 1,336, 00:03 Published in Croatia Italy by madman78_ts

Dear Plato || 16-07-2011 || Day 1,334 of the New World
Rizon's Report

Вижте оригиналната статиятук!

Dear Plato,

Please take this article as a suggestion and not as a anything meant to be offensive. I think it is in the common interest to improve eRepublik and that's the reason that I'm making this article.

Let's start for the most important modules.

Военен модул

Помня когато войните се печелиха със статегия,кординация и съюзници...сега те се печелят с кредитни карти./b]

Плато реши това вече да не бъде социална играPlato decided that it would no longer be a social game but a game for those who can afford to spend vast amounts of real life money, and keep the lifestyle they always had.

Now what good is building an 'empire' with coordination, strategy, with all people fighting, rich or poor, each ready to help his country and its allies, when only three people are enough to make a difference?

The military module improved visually but all other components have died with the old one.

Limit the consumption of Wellness Packs daily!
If you limit the consumption of Wellness Packs daily all countries have the same chance of victory, instead of depending on their rich friends.

Economic Module

Without doubt, this is the module with more mistakes and lack of interest from the players.
With your constant creation of local currency, your daily changes… you ruined this module.
I remember when the normal value of Gold was 0.018 and in Russia once it was 0.030 😮

These values, of which I'm afraid of never seeing again, are important for a good economy.
No Government can have a good Monetary Market or Marketplace with a bad economy, and, unfortunately, you Mr. Plato are not helping.

I really agreed with you on limiting the number of employees for company, but 5 is just not enough. Now we need to have thousands of companies to support another one…that’s not fair.

Limit the number of employees for companies to 10!
Just 5 employees per company doesn’t make sense…I mean the company will be not viable. Profit margins would be too low and maybe would be better if you also increase the limit of employees in House companies, as in V1.

Stop injecting local currency into our markets!
By generating money out of thin air, you are essentially destabilizing the economic equilibrium, vastly affecting MM exchanges and the job/price market, that usually is determined via supply and demand

Back with Work Skill!
Although adding the extra financial prosperity to newer players is great, that should be more the responsibility of the government, not the market. It's a slap in the face for all those who have played a long time, focusing on improving their economic skill over a period of years, just to lose it all and be on the same footing as new players
Also, it now dumbs down the economic module, for those too lazy to work out profit margins of individual players

Now let’s go to another Module…

Social Module

Social Module is much better than V1 but you can always add something to give light to this module. In V1 you had some stuff that I really appreciated and I would like to have back. This
module can be improved, let’s take a look.

Bring back eRepublik Insider!
Over with eRepublik Insider was a really bad mistake. Now we, players, aren’t informed about the new changes…we need to be prepared to receive them.
Please bring back eRepublik Insider!

Back with the old Media layout!
As you know the old Media layout is famous and is much better than this one…now it is much more difficult for a new journalist to be famous and get success.

Bring back the ADs!
Like the old Media layout, ADs help the new journalist a lot because they can always get more readers, more votes and more subs. ADs help the Social Module a lot; help us all and bring back ADs.

Candidate for President Party!
Every months I see 20 or 30 guys trying to TO a TOP 5 Party…the old system (on old system you needed to have 2Gold to candidate for President Party) was much more secure than this one! Please fix this!

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Re-Shout Please!
Dear Plato

Vote! Comment!

~~ Chain Shout ~~

Best Regards,
The Braziltod Tiger!

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