[RGR4POTUS] Vote Reagan for President! The ONLY American in the Election.

Day 1,991, 23:38 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

Join the American Freedom Alliance
Join the American Eagle Division

Captain America wants YOU to vote for the ONLY actual American citizen on the ballot for President. Now here is what the elitist choice for President thinks about our country, since she is English and is basically a foreign PTOer.

Anyway folks, you know where I stand on the issues if you’ve read my paper and my recent platform a few articles back. The choice in this election is a simple one. You have a choice between making a change, or bringing back someone who was put in to the Presidency by Pfeiffer twice before, a person so hated he almost lost to the AFA candidate, and she was once the CP of our sworn enemy, ONE-aligned Britain. We don’t need someone who is going to actually value someone like Pfeiffer as a top adviser and an important cabinet member. We need someone who is going to put responsible people in positions of power who don’t try to belittle everyone who happens to disagree with them. We don’t need another stooge to continue the same failed policies of the past. Do something interesting for a change America. Do something gutsy and Vote Ronald Gipper Reagan for President of the USA on May 5th! Wake up America! The British are coming!

Have you ever experienced a moment in time where you heard something that really bothered you, yet you were silent and wish you spoke up afterwards? This was me about five years ago when I attended the so-called “National Conservative Student Conference”, when in reality it was full of a bunch of phonies. Anyway, there was a group of British people there, and at one of the banquets one of them proposed a toast to the Queen, and of course like muppets, the hundreds of people there obliged. If I could go back in time to that moment, I wouldn’t of sat there silently. I would’ve stood up, raised my glass and said “No. To hell with the Queen. I propose a toast, TO LIBERTY!” So I say to you America, to hell with this English Pfeifferist PTOer. She can go back to her own country, or live down with fluffy in the Bayou. This is America, land of the free, home of the brave, and as your President I will keep it that way! o7

To recap, if you elect me your President I will keep on proposing tax reductions to levels more on par with other nations around the world. I will restore full 100/100 resource bonuses. I will clean house and put some new blood into government. I will have a transparent Administration and keep you apprised of what is going on at all times. I will personally speak with any citizen who has any questions or concerns and I will respond within 24 hours. I will reform our military to discriminate only against those who wish to undermine our country’s strategic interests, not to persecute political enemies like it is used now by those in power. It is time to put an end to this faux idea of “unity” and put someone in power who will actually try to bring REAL unity. Oh, and we won’t be friends with people who resort to tactics like attacking the Polish and Russian part of my ancestry. They should find some better arguments. I am proud of my Slavic heritage, as well as my Italian heritage, which is why I am going to try to create a Roman-themed alliance!

God Save America, NOT the Queen!
Ronald Gipper Reagan
Candidate for Country President

Last but not least, Happy Orthodox Easter to all those celebrating on Election Day! Don’t forget to vote. 🙂