[RFA] You Wanted More? The Term Ahead

Day 788, 03:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance


Well, Radical Freethinkers Alliance, its been a nice month. So nice, in fact, that me and you wanted more!

We have proved in the last month that the RFA is more than capable of holding its own, in media, in membership and most importantly, in elections. Over and over the whole team has worked tirelessly to ensure we fulfill all goals we set and we have. This month, we need more.

400 members, and beyond.
12 congress members, but no less than 10.
Another good CP run.
More and more new people to our team.

The only other thing was something we didnt deliver last month; a party manifesto. This was in the works but we held back in case there was a New Year update; there wasn't and so I confirm that we should release by the 23rd of January.

And while war brews, we're gonna need each other. May I take this oppurtunity to congratulate my fellow victorious PP's; a TUP legend in Iain Keers, a UKRP saviour in Raziel, a BEP tough-nut in Devioux and a PCP power in Seraosha. Of course theres more, but why take all day when there's a war to fight?

We're planned for congress; ready to recruit and steaming ahead. Its the month, RFA.

Join a great party!
Join some great forums!
Speak to a guy about a great IRC!

Radical Freethinker President Once More