[RFA/Spectrum] Reclaiming The Legacy

Day 955, 14:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Spectrum HQ

It is with great pleasure that' I'd like to publicly announce the reclamation of the Radical Freethinkers Alliance brand, and the re-imaging of Spectrum into the RFA. The Radical Freethinkers Alliance was a political force to be reckoned with, and by proudly wearing the name once more I hope we can make the party great again.

But what makes us the Radical Freethinkers Alliance? Well, allow me to explain.

We're not afraid to try new things - we even tried a complete re-brand - and that's what makes us Radical.

We aren't constrained by the petty partisan rivalries that often crop up in the eUK - we give all our members a voice and decide together what is best for the eUK, ignoring 'Lefts' and 'Rights' - and that's what makes us Freethinkers.

We invite everyone and anyone to join us and make their opinions known - we don't run on an elitist system. All our members are welcome to voice their views - and that's what makes us an alliance.

I'd like to thank all our members for staying with us and supporting the party during this change, we can and we will make this work, together.

RFA Party President,
Andy Millward