[RFA] Party Presidency.

Day 601, 15:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Flamur

The time is nearly upon us again, ladies n' gentlemen.

Now, I think I'll announce that I am re-running for the presidency again. This is for a number of reasons.

Before I became PP of the RFA, there were a number of things that I set out to achieve. These were small changes, small ideas that together would hopefully see a big step forward for the RFA. I believe I have started achieving those things, but there is still a lot more to do!

I don't like to sit around and boast of what I have achieved in the party, because of a number of reasons. Firstly, it hasn't been just me. Nothing would of been possible without the help of the party! Everything we have achieved, every goal we have met and every target we are setting, we are doing all that as a unit. We are moving forward together. With every step forward comes an obstacle to overcome, and so far, we are overcoming every obstacle thrown at us.

We have greatly increased membership in the last few weeks to 183, which was previously stuck at around 153. As well as that, activity on the forums was greatly increased. We saw many new members, or even old, join the forums and contribute in discussions and heck, some even took party positions and contributed more heavily!

Two elections had passed whilst I was PP of the RFA. The congress election and the Country Elections. I consider both of these a success and a massive step forward for the party. In the congress election, we won 5 seats which is an improvement to our 3 seats last month! As well as this, we managed to win 144 votes in the country elections. The country elections had its ups and downs this month. I personally got a lot more votes than I had expected (I thought we would struggle to break the 100 barrier), and I know that as a party we have most certainly learnt from our mistakes and are now aware of ways we can improve our campaigns and increase our chances to become a force to be reckoned with!

As I said, there are still things that need to be finished. Still ideas we are working on and ideas that need to be implemented. This is all a work in progress and can not be done overnight, but lets not kid ourselves. We are getting there. And at a very good pace.

So it cannot be doubted. Under my guidance as the RFA PP, we have been able to move forward as a unit and achieve many things. We are already discussing our short and long term aims for the party in the forums (of which I strongly urge you join btw! www.erepublik.co.uk) and planning ways for us to get there.

We are the RFA. We are a party. We move united. Vote for Flamur on the 15th, and watch this progression continue and improve rapidly. I am here to stay, and I am here to help.