[RFA]Goals, Congress And Success!

Day 767, 01:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

As always; hai!

This Christmas has been a big one for the Radical Freethinkers Alliance. In my first, and hopefully not last, term as leader of the RFA we have set ourself goals. Our very first goals are below;

-300 members
-7 congressmen
-A Top5 article

Its been a success. We are currently at 329 members; everyone has chipped in for popular ads, for top5 articles and for mass PM'ing to spread the word of the radical revolution! The whole atmosphere in the party is just incredible - everyone is pulling together to make a better party.

My very first Freethinker article hit the top5 media. My introduction with my original goals was a sign of things to come which has so far peaked at IndieKid's article all about what really happens in the RFA. Thats a very good read; incredibly funny.

And then, yesterday was the Congress elections. The RFA ended up with a fantastic 9 congressmen! This was a great victory earning plaudits from people in all parties and I look forward to seeing all of our winners battling it out in the political arena! Meet them all below!

UK's finest was our highest voted congressman, and indeed second highest in the country. An incredible London stalwart!
busynurse1510 came to the RFA after TUP stopped him from running in his region, the East Midlands. We showed them why they should've let him run!
Joachim von Bremen has always been, and always will be RFA. The South West did well voting him into congress!
Skillz88 is a first time congressman from the West Midlands. Enthusiastic, hard working; great!
Sam Clewarth, same as above. Its his first time but he's a good guy for Yorkshire and Humberside!
Jonathan Nicholas is another one of our new congressmen. In Wales they have very good taste!
celtgaerfelddafydd has been my friend for my whole eLife, and his Flanders seat is very well deserved.
KaisKais is the party vice-president and the South East love the guy; he'll be big one day!
ben clew is the Scotland stallion in the RFA!

Also, a congratulations to Aelar; member of the Free Democratic Party, but we let him run cause he is p.cool!

Commiserations to the guys left out; we could have got more easily if it were on merit, but there ya go!

What now?
Of course, attention turns to the Country Presidential elections now. I cant announce it yet, but a Freethinker article may come as early as tonight announcing our choice. Our Primary is currently unanimously in favour of this guy so we just gotta let it run until the end and then hopefully, and I am sure we will, back the winner!

Big times are coming; keep going RFA!

Radical Freethinker

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