[RFA] CP Elections; That Time of Month!

Day 770, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance


This time last month there was a bit of confusion in the Radical Freethinkers Alliance, I was busy writing CP manifesto's and people were kinda over the place. This month, the descicion was near-unanimous and the party is fully ready.

It has already been spoken about, but the official word is that the RFA will be supporting Dishmcds in this election. The very Dishmcds, past Country President, the great Country President. He has returned for another shot and, like the UKRP and FDP, we decided a few days ago we should give him that shot.

The great thing about Dish is... independence. He isn't associated with a particular party; so this is a campaign not on party lines but on the individual. You cant vote against him for him being TUP, or UKRP, or RFA. The only way you can vote against him is if you genuinely think he isnt the best man for the job; and if you do genuinely think he is below the opposition before him, good luck to you. It seems, with UK-Left divided, Dishmcds has stepped into the limelight for the Presidential race. His manifesto's are solid, his experience incredible, his attitute refreshing and he is known world-wide; the question is, why not?

Vote for Dish, who will be the best!

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Radical Freethinker