[RFA] Choose RFA To Lead You Through Battles Ahead

Day 782, 08:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance


As successful as times have been for the Radical Freethinkers Alliance lately, what with hitting 348 members as an all time high, sometimes you have to step back and look at the country.

There is a huge threat of invasion on numerous fronts. It is undeniable.

But, really, of all the parties, the RFA has the men to deal with it.

Polio - The current Minister of Defense.
R.R.Napier - The current Navy Commander.
IndieKid - Special Forces 2IC.
George Norfolk - Navy Commadore.
John Bartlett Past Royal Guard Commander
fezoj - Past Navy Commander.
Rodney McKay - Past Navy Commander

Countless more soldiers, officers and military personnel of all levels stay at the RFA. If you sit alone, shining your boots and arming yourself for the pending invasion; why not join a party very much at the heart of the military family? Why not join the RFA?

Join a great party!
Join some great forums!
Speak to a guy about a great IRC!

GGRyan, (Awesome Pictures by IndieKid)
Radical Freethinker