[RFA] Breaking News

Day 768, 11:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

Breaking News

December 25th heralded the beginning of the demise of the TUP and its stranglehold on the eUK, political scene , after a long run in power via its deals with other parties , its demographic hold has finally shattered under the new voices of those who care, those who want to lead us into a better Britain, a Britain we all can be proud of, a Britain, the world can look up to, We need to make this a country a world leader, we need a proud foundation, a foundation that we can all contribute to. This great country needs your participation, we need it now, great steps have been made, we can take those strides forward, together, as a whole united people.


We as a nation need your support, your involvement, your opinions, your interest, your commitment, after all the RFA represents, You the voter, not blind ideology, or the blanket approach , now's the time, the real time, to make your voice heard, people have voted with their fingers, the RFA scored higher, making it the second most voted for party, (without wildcards).


In the next twelve months, you can expect greater achievements, greater prosperity, greater productivity, greater wages, in all a greater eUK for all our citizens. We are the party of the future, but we shall not forget our friends, we will always support, those who put us where we are today.

You are that future, make sure its the future you want. The RFA waits for your opinion, contribute to the eUK's future. Work hard, Play hard, Vote sensibly.
The eUK needs your support, 2 clicks is not enough, get involved, participate, motivate, innovate.


Thank you for your time, we really know how valuable it is.

Spencer Tynmore
RFA Media Team

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