[Review] Belgian/German TW

Day 1,809, 14:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Yesterday’s battle marked the first of our twin Training Wars against Germany and Belgium. The Daily Knight was right there on the front line with the troops as they went into battle.

- British Trooper.

During the conflict our onsite reporter, Jeremy Armstrong, accompanied members of TUP Family into battle risking death at every minute to be there as the action unfolded.

Editor: Jeremy, how tough was the fighting out there?
Jeremy: Well, from what I saw, it was touch and go there for a while, Germany laying down some damage, especially in the 3rd and 4th Divisions. Seems like there was also some assistance from Argentinian mercenaries as well. Supposedly we were meant to win this battle, but from the looks of it no-one bothered to tell the Argentinians.

Editor: So, their allies came to help them! What about ours?
Jeremy: I saw Mexicans and Chileans fighting on our side at different times during the day.

- British Troops defending their homeland

Editor: Our new National Military Unit, how did they do yesterday?
Jeremy: Yes, The Legion laid down a massive amount of damage leaving them ranked first overall, a great job by their members. Indeed, all the Military Units yesterday involved in the battle did a great job: British Army, Royal Navy, TUP Family to name but a tiny selection.

Editor: A truly united front for the United Kingdom then! Thankyou Jeremy, can you tell me what the next plans are for our Armed Forces?
Jeremy: Well, Im expecting that we will take the fight back to Germany over the next few days, but currently we are engaging in skirmishes with Belgian forces.

Editor: Yes, we are. Now, we will cross over to Sara Fulworth who is in the area where Belgian forces landed earlier today Sara, can you tell me what is happening there?
Sara: Hi, yes, Belgian armed forces landed earlier to be met by fierce resistance from British forces. Currently the battle is in our favour, and due to alliances as well as relative strength of the nations, we should be able to sweep this up.

- Belgian Troops landing

The Daily Knight would like to extend its congratulations to all those who gained Battle Hero Medals in the name of the United Kingdom yesterday. An excellent job all round, keep up the good work! And we shall see you on the battlefield!

- Raising the flag after our victory!

Editors note: The Daily Knight is looking for interviews with MU commanders during the next week or so as we fight this war, if you are interested please register either below or PM Bohemond4.

Editor in Chief
The Daily Knight.