[REVELATION] The eWorld will never be the same. :O

Day 2,199, 02:29 Published in Serbia Portugal by Pedrito Legen...Wait for it...
Dear readers,

Yesterday I released this article explaining that a revelation would come out.
My dear readers, this is controversial!
This is better than the apparition of Nossa Senhora de Fátima to the Shepherds.
This is the horror!
This is the drama!
This is real, raw and real life.
This is like coming out for some!

I ask you, if you have kids with you, do not let them read this article until the end.
I implore you, if you are adults, please be accompanied by your grandparents.

Prepared ....

This image, can cause brain damage, to the most sensitive.

Do not say later, that i do not warn you!

Here goes:

They are out there! I want to believe!
The eWorld will never be the same!
Portuguese and Spanish community will never be the same.

Making public service since early age,
Pedrito de Portugal