[Reprint] Special Edition "Horse's A**" Challenge Coin

Day 1,974, 03:05 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer
Challenge Coins are back, but just for this one Special Edition.
Edited and republished, to hopefully not contain "filth such as External advertising, Spam,Insults, Pornography, Vulgarity or Racism."
Portions edited for censorship are marked with forward slashes and in italics.

I've had this newspaper for four years-- Vote and Sub or GTFO, I don't care.

Dateline: Tuesday April 16 (Day 1974)
Location: Monroe, Michigan
Reporter: George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

Today's musical accompaniment:
Frank Zappa: Broken Hearts are for A**holes
Let's try a selection from the classics: /Frank Zappa - Bolero de Ravel/

Here's a Coin with no heads but two tails!

If you don't know these guys you've probably heard of 'em-- and I wager it wasn't good.
Ajay, in his current incarnation Ronald Gipper Reagan, is obsessed with Hentry Pfeiffer Arundel. In articles and comments to other articles, he says Pfeiffer is a master puppeteer who commands and controls everyone in government and orchestrates every policy and action the government takes.
Pfeiffer is not so much obsessed with Ajay as he is with his work to singlehandedly save America from Ajay.

Ajay is most known for his persistent attempts to overthrow the government, to be elected President, to convince America that he is our savior.. his rhetoric is really effective-- mostly among foreigners who share the goal of PTO'ing America, and among new players who just don't know his hustle. Ajay is also well known for shooting himself in the foot, blowing every great opportunity he comes close to achieving.

Pfeiffer is most known for his abrasive personality, calling people retarded, and his bully tactics to get things done his way. Yeah, he "gets /it/ done," but as often as not it's through coercion and intimidation. I can be sure of, as punishment for this article, likely getting a Forfeit Point and definitely not getting a job in any future Pfeiffer-backed Cabinet.
/article deleted, and one FP, an hour after first publication/

But they are both attention /seekers/. They thrive on the controversy surrounding the non-issues they both are. They both need to be lifted up and shouted down-- like a child who'll do bad things for attention because bad attention is better than no attention.

Neither is really all that and a bag of chips.

I had gone on IRC and asked a few people for one-liners or phrases that would fit both Ajay and Pfeiffer alike, i.e. "magalomaniacal puppet-master" or /"neither embodies the qualities of the Presidents they use on their avatars"/ But my antique PC ate the Notepad .txt file and they're gone. Had some pretty good ones, too.

Maybe you can fill the gap in the Comments section, below.
If you think of something about Ajay, can you say the same about Pfeiffer?
If you think of something about Pfeiffer, can you say the same about Ajay?

Let's have some fun.. and remember, it's just fun-- these are real people playing a game just like you, so let's consider their feelings and... oh, I can't even type that with a straight face!

Until next time I feel like writing... drive like a nut, and don't take any crap from anyone.

George Armstrong "Old Man" Custer

[Reprint] Special Edition "Horse's A**" Challenge Coin
Edited, Censored to Avoid Deletion
