[Referendum] Unirea Moldovei cu Romania [RO/EN]

Day 537, 05:29 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci


Dupa mai bine de un an de la prima unire a celor doua tari trup si suflet romanesti, la mai bine de un an de cand Pan Halippa scria cu litere de aur in istoria eRomaniei imi revine mie sarcina in calitate de nou presedinte al Rep. Moldova si succesor al sau sa va chem la vot in vederea re-infaptuirii unui vis de o viata.

Desigur Unirea nu a fost niciodata stricata cu toate ca o regiune romaneasca a fost rupta de la patria mama si cu greu in zilele actuale si-a regasit drumul spre casa. Romania si Moldova sau o mama si o fiica care au fost despartite prea mult timp sunt acum din nou impreuna si mai ramane doar sa ne exprimam bucuria si satisfactia pentru aceasta realizare a comunitatii prin vot direct inainte ca propriu-zis razboiul de unificare sa inceapa.

Exprimati-va gandurile si votul prin comentariu stipuland deasemenea localitatea din RL de care apartineti si daca considerati necesar varsta [ Se iau in considerare doar voturile cetatenilor romani si moldoveni din RL ]

Va multumesc si nu uitati niciodata ca Basarabia a fost, este si va fi intotdeauna Pamant Romanesc!


After more than a year from the first union of the two countries romanian in both body and soul, after more than a year since Pan Halippa was writing in golden letters in istoria eRomaniei it falls down to me this task as new president of the Moldova Republic and his succesor to call you all to vote for the re-inacting of a life-time dream.

Of course the Union was never broken even if a romanian region was torn away from the motherland and with great difficulty has found it's way back home. Romania and Moldova or a mother and a daughter which have been separated for far too long are now back together and all that is left is for us to express our joy and satisfaction for this realisation of our community through direct vote before the proper reunification war starts.

Express your thoughts and your vote by comment stating also your RL location and if you consider necessary your age. [ You can vote only if are in Romania or Moldavia in RL ]

I thank you and never forget that Basarabia was,is and shall forever be Romanian Land!