[RED] Where’re all the women at

Day 1,571, 05:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

They’re all on the Red team


This month, the UK has divided into two rival teams. Throughout the term, anybody (including foreigners) can join up to either one – battling over a series of cunning challenges set by Dish & Prof Moriarty in the MoHA.

The winning team will have the right to crown a new King.

The winning team will have the right to permanently look smug.

The winning team will have the right to force feed ApronChef a Q4 Chopter.

We must be this winning team.

But why join the Red Team?

We’ve got people from all over the UK community & abroad chilling out and trolling the blues. From all over the game, from militarists to economists, ministers to party presidents, all are getting involved to fight for the throne.

Whilst the blue team is a disorganised rabble, raping and pillaging their way around the rural highlands; we here in the red team have already colonised Mars. Not only that, but we’ve painted all the sheep in New Zealand red.

So if you’re unsatisfied by the creative skill of the admins alone, why not join us for a beer and a prescription drug of your choice?

The battle for the crown commences

If you’re bored of the usual grind of eRep, then get your ass on the eUK forums. All sorts of crazy shit is done there, from parties, militaries, the government and of course, the Red Team Operations HQ.

Register an account > go to settings > usergroups > Join the Red Team!

If you’re on Rizon IRC then /query Appleby gib access to #redteam

If you manage to make it to our red team forums then I’ll send 20 Q6 tanks your way.

If you’re not from the eUK you can still join, we’ve got members from all over the place :3.

Drop me a line if you need any help, I’ll be more than happy to answer o/



Being shot by the red team seriously damages your chances to pull