{Recycled for drafts}[!Notice!]Blocker

Day 296, 03:26 Published in Japan Japan by Laurana Psion

I will be running as a "blocker" congressional candidate under the aegis of the DPJ.

Now then, what does this mean?

It means exactly this:
I am an officially sanctioned "candidate" for congress. No worries of a rogue candidate, PTO'er or other sort of miscreant. (Although I would say that wouldn't I? Do check before voting, if you are unsure about the credentials of any candidate)

However, I am not running with the specific intention of entering congress (although TBH I wouldn't say no to being elected hehe). Instead, the purpose of my candidature is to help improve the security of the coming/present election by decreasing the chance of any unauthorised candidates (PTO or otherwise) slipping in and running for congress through the DPJ.

As such, amongst legitimate candidates, I should be given the lowest priority (if any) insofar as votes are concerned.

Nevertheless, if the case should be that there is a lack of suitable candidates in the region where I am running in, I do implore you to vote for me if that would prevent an unwanted element from entering congress.

Additionally, if you happen to be able and willing, may I also suggest that you contact an appropriate person within your own party and arrange to be a blocker yourself. This would take merely a fraction of your time and involve minimal effort from you, but would be of great help to your party and your nation. If there is not enough time to do so for the coming election, there is always the next.

23 September 2010

Brought to you by:
The Democratic Party of Japan; "We aren't a PTO!"

The Zetsubō Shimbun; "Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est".
