[공자사항]투표하기전에 꼭 먼저 읽어주세요.//Read before vote

Day 1,131, 01:19 Published in South Korea South Korea by Asingard

엑셀 : https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=tHKQT4n0MOyUHIj01izkG_w&hl=ko#gid=0
실시간 : http://www.erep.cc/elections/congress?d=201012&country=47&parties=on

지난단 리듬님의 분석에 따르면

구글 번역기 못 돌리도록 그림 파일로 올렸습니다. 로딩이 느리더라도 기다려주세요

그리고 다음 사람들은 투표하지 말아주세요!!!
충청북도 Zenas D. Kim : 이미 6 표 획득, 당선확정
충청북도 Athasnim : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정
충청북도 chaosncosmos : 이미 5 표 획득, 당선확정
강원도 Kreussen : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정
강원도 drakiss : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정
강원도 mahyun : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정
경기도 DCinside : 이미 7 표 획득, 당선확정
경기도 Szkudlar : 이미 7 표 획득, 당선확정
경기도 winnerthepooh : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정
경상북도 Gagamel : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정
경상남도 Grease : 이미 5 표 획득, 당선확정
전라남도 killdo : 이미 4 표 획득, 당선확정

경기도에 계신분들은 메일보내주세요 다른 지역으로 갈 수 있는 표를 드리겠습니다.

대한민국 광복군

VOTE for Sin-gan Association

Exept :

Zenas D. Kim : already has 6 votes, will be elected as congress
Athasnim : already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress
chaosncosmos : already has 5 votes, will be elected as congress
Kreussen : already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress
drakiss : already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress
mahyun : already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress
DCinside : already has 7 votes, will be elected as congress
Szkudlar : already has 7 votes, will be elected as congress
winnerthepooh : already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress
Gagamel : already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress
Grease : already has 5 votes, will be elected as congress
killdo: already has 4 votes, will be elected as congress

If you are in Gyeongi-do send me a mail. We will give you moving tickets to move.