[Quiz] What will you do if you lose at the war?

Day 548, 04:29 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by AmmA xXx

I just want to know what will you do if you lose at the war, with this article.
Chose one option between A, B, C, D or E

Option A :
crying and ask eGod that your enemy is cheating

Option B :
Ask your country friend to take over your enemy country so they will be your puppet country (happens now?)

Option C :
Stressed and do harakiri in eRepublik, and donates all of your asset to author of this article (The most popular answers)

Option D :
Curse your enemy and take the wrong way with report them so they will be banned

Option E :
What is that? Not my business

This Quiz was only for the people that can't accept failure fairly

Thanks to :
Silentrazgriz, muahhhh…muaahhhh
the person who made the English text of this article