[Queensland, eAustralia] H.Nelson returns to politics

Day 1,312, 02:10 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear Friends,

Well, it's been a while... but the time has come for me to announce that I'm back in politics and running for Senate in my home state, Queensland.

After an 8-month absence from party politics I have no doubt it's a tough task to start over again. Although I have not been very vocal over the past few months I've been keeping up with the events shaping eAustralia, all the struggle with our evil neighbours and resident oppressors, and of course with all the changes taking place in eRepublik.

Since I quit politics to have a well-deserved break many people have joined our community in eAustralia so I wouldn't be surprised if most of you didn't know me at all.

So in case you haven't heard of me, I've been elected as Senator for Queensland twelve times in a row, have been Party President on eight separate occasions and served as Inspector General for three consecutive terms. Something I'm most proud of is to have been accepted as a Commander of the Order of Australia.

However, the most important thing to mention is that I never left my home when eAustralia was under foreign oppression, instead I helped the Resistance by promoting the Tax Haven scheme, informing the public on important events and taking part in the anti-takeover efforts - the old days many of you don't even remember.

If you appreciate my efforts, or you are looking for a candidate that has proven his abilities and dedication to our beloved eAustralia, please consider voting for me on June 25th here. If you are undecided or not very keen on the political module, remember to vote for a random candidate as you get 5 XP's for simply casting your ballot.

Best wishes,

Senate candidate of the Australian Independent Party
Commander of the Order of Australia