[Q5 Hospitals] We can see fine thanks!

Day 580, 16:03 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Well, for a second consecutive day, (peace) tries to misinform our people. Not linking this one either.
Too bad for them it isn't working. DOOH!

I'm not going to blast you with a wall of text like Mr. Zoli, who so desperately tries to "convince" Americans we don't know any better.

The USA sits in a unique place on the map. We are not bordered by as many threats as nations in Europe. In fact, we have our borders pretty secure. How? by placing our Q5 hospitals in strategic spots, we raise huge walls of defense against invasion. (peace) would like nothing more than to have us believe more would make us stronger. Why? to disperse our citizens in order to make invasion easier. We border France, Portugal, Mexico, Russia and Japan. Of these countries, France and Portugal are the only two real threats and our eastern seaboard is nicely protect by the two Q5's and several Q4's placed there.

We are fine, we have reserve Hospitals, Our eyes are WIDE open (peace). Man you guys sure do worry about us Americans, voting up BS articles into our media on a daily basis, LOL.

We can see just fine thanks! And we are moving forward.