祝贺新Q5 医院落成 Congratulations to Q5 Hospital in Shanghai!

Day 690, 22:57 Published in China North Korea by dawenxi

eChina has her second Q5 hospital today!
This hospital was build by new eChina people.
It shows eChina has come into an new age.
Long live eChina people!
Long live eChina!
Thanks to JIAJUNPENG , volunteer works and citizens!

热烈祝贺 e中国新Q5 医院今日落成!
这座医院 是由新e中国 人民建设的!
这标志着 e中国进入了 新时代!
感谢JIAJUNPENG,以及为此付出努 力的义务工人和更多同胞们!