[PS4PM] The Cabinet & Campaign So Far...

Day 2,143, 11:11 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

So far there's been a great response to my last article!

There's been numerous cabinet applications and a lot of conversation regarding suggestions on what we should put in our campaign. I thank you for the input and support so far! 🙂

The time for elections draws near, and so it's time for a quick update on where things are up to...


There are many vacancies still remaining in my cabinet. Still a couple of days to apply if you have what it takes! 🙂

I'm pleased to announce both new and old names in my cabinet, and I'm happy so far with just how diverse it is, drawing applications from all sides of the political spectrum, a wide range of levels and many people who would be enjoying their first terms in government.

Vice Presidents

Madacaion shares many of my views, and we make a decent team. He'll be responsible for providing beatings to get the maximum performance out of the other cabinet members. (along with some other zzz stuff that you probably don't want to read about)

I am currently in the process of arranging for a fight to the death to decide between other applicants for the second vCP to cover the other times.

Ministry of Home Affairs

Adastros will be the Minister of Home Affairs for the term. He'll definitely need some support in this role! Get in touch to work with him and bring lots of affairs.

Ministry of Culture

Ministry of Culture is vacant.

Minister of Education

Still vacant.

Minister of Health

Dr Kawishiwi will be Minister of Health. Many say he has the magic touch; on a related note he is also a registered sex offender.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

'The FA-Team'

The MoFA team will consist of...

Mittekemuis who will also be providing me advice and support throughout the term to ensure its success.

Will Corbett will also be involved with the affairs with foreigners. (Hide your ladies enemy presidents!) I'm sure they'll make a great team.

Ministry of Finance

We currently have no Minister chosen, so get applying and we can arrange a death match soon to choose the final minister!

Matthias Lund will be a minister in training.

Ministry of Defence

DaJoXTeR will be one of the Ministers of Defence. He brings experience and determination to the roll. And death. Lots of death to our enemies!

Schmidt Bogdan will be the other MoD.


Sekula Vasiljevic will be fulfilling the role as Haskill this term. This involves being summoned for my amusement amongst other things.

(Those other things are working closely with me to help support cabinet members, and providing me with support to make sure the term is as efficient as can be)

We're in need of deputies especially!

Policies So Far...

This is just a brief glance of some of the policies that are being enshrined in to our campaign so far.


This will be completely seperated from government. The MoH will be dissolved part way through the term and its staff will leave to run the NHS independently. From here, the public will be responsible for deciding how it's run, and before this process is undertaken, will be asked to draft up a "code of practice" or some kind of law completely independent of government.

The NHS is there for our babies and isn't supposed to be a political tool. There will be no government involvement should I win.


Ireland will be presented a treaty, the terms will be as follows:

Option 1:
-Accept the current situation and move on, we need their fruits for the economic boost, especially during times of inflated food prices.

Option 2:
-Accept no regions and move on.

Option 1 is, as you can see, the most generous. So what I'm basically saying is they won't be getting regions back. Any attempt to reclaim regions will result in their demise.

Why? Relations are wayyy too poor right now to form any kind of deal. Neither side can trust the other, Ireland have already rejected a generous offer from us and their citizens currently go out of their way to make life that little bit harder for us.

Org, Loans, MoF Schemes etc

Anything under the 'Ministry of Finance' category is run perfectly fine right now. It would be illogical to change it. Taxes will remain unchanged.

Ministry of Defence

Same as above, with one exception. IF there is a competition in which we can win gold during the term, 5% of the winnings will be used to stockpile Q7 tanks for the distant future when the game sees a political 'polar shift' and we're once again under the threat of a wipe.

This will buy us 3,200 Q7 tanks which should last a campaign or two. Increasing this stockpile would be at the discretion of whoever is CP next. Similar funding every month would see us more than well equipped for any intense invasions.



It seems I'm not the only one keen to bring back legislation for those who like to role-play that little bit more. Should I win, various bills will be proposed throughout the term that I deem relevant to the current situation. I encourage others to do the same.


I will be encouraging donations to our airstrike fund for the future, though I won't be using it during my term. Especially not to launch a pointless attack on a country we have no prospect of holding out against for allies who are facing an inevitable wipe thanks to their own breach of a favourable peace treaty.

The idea will be to save it for a time we really need it, such as if we're about to suffer a sure wipe from neighbours in the distant future. You can never be too prepared for changes in eRepublik!

Population Increase

I encourage all citizens to procreate three times a day.

Though in all seriousness, this has been suggested but unfortunately it's something completely out of my, or anybody's control.

Free with every vote!

Do you want to see your ideas in our campaign?

I'm still looking for people to join those of us already making this campaign a reflection of what's best for the eUK! 🙂 Get in touch with me to suggest anything else you want added.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate everybody's support so far! ♥