[Prime Minister] A glorious sunshine shall rise over Dublin

Day 1,648, 07:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

King Arthur himself approves of the weather

Good afternoon gentlemen!

It's a beautiful day all across the UK, so the first thing I am compelled to say as your spiritual leader is GET OUTSIDE AND GET DRUNK/STONED IN THE SUN. YOU ARE OBLIGED AS A HUMAN TO HAVE A REAL LIFE OCCASIONALLY, AND THIS IS IT. From the coasts of Scotland to the suburbs to the capital, it's been bloody roasting. Other than that, we have an interesting few shake ups as we press onwards towards our full productivity and regain our babyboom via facebook ads :3!

Concluding Canada

We will be concluding our Canada campaign today in Wales, which will have open supplies from 5pm UK time today. It is important that we border Dublin before our Irish Natural Enemy law is passed 🙂.

Civil Service

Our true King Woldy had an interesting concept of splitting our government workforce into 2 distinct sections: Domestics & Foreign Affairs. I'd like to combine this with my old idea of a civil service - a unified workforce, where Ministers set up their projects of the day and anyone who signed up as an apprentice for the month can help out where they can according to their time/ability.

We've been using our set Ministry structure since Kaleb in 2008, with workers individually split between each Ministry. I believe that the new functions of eRep introduced since then requires a new approach to how people can get involved with the daily workings of the government. UK Citizens should be given the chance to learn the ropes as easily as they can.

Home Affairs, Finance & Legislative Affairs are all compatible in their duties and obligations towards the governance of the UK and domestics experience it gives to the apprentices that work there. Besides, the projects range from a solid hour to just 5 minutes - it's obvious that's it's easier to just let people do what they can. We should have this set up as soon as Dan's ready 😛.

Our Ireland Affair

I have spoken to a few people in the Irish government as they've been a bit quiet lately in terms of our agreed region swap. I'm happy to say that I've concluded talks with them today and will be proposing our NE in an hour. This will bring our productivity up to 60/60 due to our gained fruit in Louth!

These are war games and when we do begin the campaign, please use your damage in priority battles instead. You can find these through the Ministry of Defence articles, which will be released every morning by Command.

New Player Tutorial

I'm delighted to announce that we will be using Kravenn's award-winning tutorial in our New Citizens message. You can have a sneak look at his 50G-value work here: http://uktutorial.wordpress.com



In other news, the civil servant that suggested the pope launch his own brand of condoms has been promoted