[PRESIDENT] Well Done All Soldiers...now What Next?

Day 800, 06:18 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Dear citizens and soldiers,

We have done what we set out to achieve in part. Whilst the baby boom has not materialised yet (and it wont in 2 days!) our armies with the help of our friends have succeeded in winning our first assault and have annexed all regions of Pakistan bringing the wheel full circle for what had happened a long time back.

It is now our prerogative to immediately return the regions tro Pakistan as it has never been our policy to needlessly be the aggressor. I would like all citizens to vote YES in a poll we post on the forums and I would invite bids for auctioning the Resistance War medals for Balochistan to start with, followed by the second region on the next day.

Thank you all for the splendid fight and I might have some more good news for all tomorrow 🙂

My favourite video of all time... 🙂



JAI HIND brave soldiers...and especially BroodRoosterNL for getting his first Battle Hero medal!! We all salute you!!