[President] Three's the charm!

Day 2,025, 11:01 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix

Today's election was a no-brainer, so I won't take too much credit for winning. I would however like to extend my thanks to the people who voted. It's important to stay active and to complete the monthly tasks. Let me also say that this term will be my final, and to finish it I will attend the Swedish meet-up in Malmö on the 5th of July! Anyone willing to celebrate the end of my three month reign is more than welcome to show up! I've already promised KainPropan to act as translator - because those Mordorians just don't get what you're saying.

The last two weeks have been busy, to say the least. War has come to our doorstep - as it has all across Europe. This is a great opportunity for us to gain some medals, but it leaves me with a feeling like someone else needs to take charge of the situation - because frankly we've been up to our knees in battles. It also saddens me that my main political ally, Percival Dumbledore, will not pick up where I leave next month. In other words, Vanguard needs my attention more than ever.

For the upcoming month, I will give a full briefing on the welfare program - how it's progressing and how we can improve it. I will also make start the work of bringing the political life of Denmark back on track - since this is one of my passions in eLife.

In recent days we're seeing an influx of foreigners in our country - both friendly faces and people whom we know nothing of. It saddens me to see that we were not able to close down the "Dansker for Danmark"-party, as it now contains suspicious elements among it's ranks. I can only hope the current Party President has the situation under control, but I guess that will show itself in a week or so anyway.

It is however with a great sense of joy I can welcome NeueN, the former German president who I have nothing but good things to say about. We also have the pleasure to welcome another cat-lady, in the shape of Mazzy Cat from the US. May both these newcomers have the welcome of all Danes, and I hope to see contributions to Denmark from the both of them.

My government is stuck with me, but we are demoting KristianKlausen by request to sit only as Minister of Information, and the job for Minister of Education is once again up for grabs.

Now, let's get some things done before the summer is over

Yours, truly