[President] The tale of two MPP's

Day 939, 12:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Myers11

Now, there have been many articles criticizing the current government, and the lack of an opposition.


“The government and congress sign an useless second MPP with Russia.”

I fail to see what the government’s role was in this, they had nothing to do with this, and I feel you should not under any circumstances include them in this. This MPP was proposed to tie up Russia’s gold in their state accounts, because the Russian CP did a rage-quit, attacking many countries, activating many MPPs. I, along with many other countries did this to prevent an attack on Poland. The other countries’ congress easily struck down the proposal; however our semi-inactive congress (or semi-active, whatever) without reading the forum, or questioning why there were 2 of the exact same proposals within 2-3 days of each other. They simply, without reading the http://www.enetherlands.nl/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5858 forum passed it blindly. Congress needs an extreme activity check, and I would greatly appreciate if all parties elect active, contributing members into congress; not 2 clickers, or people who want the metal or the treasure map. (No matter how worthless they are now)

Second off,

“The government lets an Hungarian MPP that has several activated wars expire although the majority in congress seemed to support continuing it.”

Yes, the majority seemed to accept it; but how can you be sure? There was no forum vote, and therefore, I did not propose it.

Today I was on the IRC at #eunl when I saw Coolissport post this link: http://www.erepublik.com/en/Netherlands/law/37500 I was, frankly, surprised and appalled at this. I clicked the debate link, expecting a long forum post, or an extremely long debate, only see Mitch's article about 2 MPP’s and the lack of an opposition to government. I do not think an impeachment is called for when one person writes an article about the inactivity of the country, and an opposition to the government.

On a related note; the Rus-NK wargames will start very soon, no need to worry.
