[President] News update from Yours Truly!

Day 1,989, 15:02 Published in Denmark Denmark by pho3nix
Fellow citizens!

These past few days have been quite hectic, to say the least. The battle on the real side of life goes on - with a missing boss and co-workers who don't quite trust my capacities. On the eSide of life, I'm now juggling the dual responsibility of the Presidency and acting as Minister of Labour. I'd like to quickly update you on the situation of both these roles. Lend me a minute of yours; you won't get it back, but it might be worth it.

Last weekend I not only drove back to my beloved homeland - nay, I took another critical look at the Treaty with our German brothers. Drawing quick conclusions that we were stressed out last time, to the point where we didn't read the whole thing through, I came up with a number of improvements that could be made. Quickly typing these down, they are now available to the general public at erepublik.dk. Browse around, it's good for you.

I've also encouraged Congressman Krisitian Klausen to donate 20% of our treasury to Bundesbank - as stated in the treaty mentioned above. That is our duty to our brothers, and I for one gladly open my wallet. The total sum came to a whopping 7265 DKK. Now that's affordable in my opinion. The rest of the money will shortly leave the treasury as well. Have patience.

I've also had some loose talks about lending one of our regions to Australia. Please note that these talks have not yet taken place, but I have been hinted that they could use a favor. As long as there's cash involved, I'm interested - and I hope you are too.

Ministry of Labor.
Our good Minister of Finance, Sasori5, has outdone himself with the speed which the money for the Welfare Program has shown up in my accounts! Twice has he been called upon, and within minutes the transactions have been made! Now that's dedication! We also have two very industrious GM's now employing people at State Guaranteed Salaries (SGS) - Maine Coon and Stente! Both of them have also performed beyond the call of duty! So far I've personally cleared 8 people to join the program - and I hope more of you will follow!

The numbers behind the program will naturally be available on Sunday evening, along with other statistics and boring numbers.

That's all folks! Questions? PM me or see if I'm on IRC!