[President] My Fifth Government (5/3 - 5/4)

Day 1,203, 17:29 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
(Svensk översättning? Spana in den kommande artikeln från Inrikesdepartementet som släpps nu i dagarna!)


This is a "quick and dirty" presentation of this months government. I have decided to re-open two of our inactive departments; Ministry of Immigration and Ministry of Domestic Affairs. I have high hopes that we may utilize these two as tools to motivate our current population as well as aiding the process of attracting new players to join the game and begin a career in our lovely union.

President (Bad Mojo)- Valnad

Försvarsminister (MoD) - Bic deWille
Vice Försvarsminister (dMoD) - Lidskjalf
Överbefälhavare (Commander) - Mr_W

Finansminister (Finance) - Yossi Ghinsberg
Vice Finansminister (d. Finance) - intyala
Riksbankschef (Treasurer) - Crazyfrog11

Utrikesminister (MoFA) - w3st3rb3rg
Vice Utrikesminister (dMoFA) - Sizzla
Gruppledare för Ambassadörer (Group Leader for Ambassadors) - Stente

Utbildningsminister (Education) - Johannes Svaerd

Inrikesminister (MoDA) - Julius Mann
Vice Inrikesminister (d. MoDA) - Mark the betrayer

Migrationsminister (Immigration) - Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf

Minister of Awesome (nuff said) - adrazar

There are, of course, other Ministers of Awesome (like Algaroth, for example, who holds the title permanently). But adrazar is the newest addition to the flock, mainly due to this link he provided which gave us late-night IRC crawlers some good music which got everyone in a good mood. Out of the blue, he struck us all by surprise. I can definitely recommend checking out this one, being a huge Monkey Island fan myself.

As you may have noticed, advisors and trainees are missing.

I only list the ministers and their deputy's. Many of the departments have advisors and other staff as well, but these members are not appointed by me and thus not included in this article. Their work is invaluable and they definitely deserve credit for it, but I'll leave that task to the ministers and hopefully their names can released by Domestic Affairs in a separate article sometime soon.

There are also a few jobs that are still available. We need more ambassadors and we're still taking applications for the Department of Domestic Affairs.

There will also be a number of trainees added to this month's government. Their names will be released in another article (mentioned above) at a later date, since we're still adding names to that list.

Yours truly,

President of Sweden
High-Commander of Homonavia